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 enlightenedAbout us:
Welcome to KENT, an online rock music shop selling mainly used CDs, DVDs, Vinyls, Magazines & others, We select excellent products only on our website, committed to bringing you quality service at the lowest price.
*We do not reply any email and send any shipping during our holidays.
(Please check out our business schedule on top page)
 enlightenedHow to search items?
All lists of our items are appeared on our website, we do not have any other lists.if you are looking for particular items please search it on our website. Please do not ask us about it by email.
Find titles quickly and easily through our search feature.
1. Select the appropriate media option (cd, vinyl, others) through the accompanying drop down menu.
2. Choose the appropriate keyword (artist, title, label) through the accompanying drop down menu.
3. Type any key phrases as your search information in the search field, then click the SEARCH button.
4. Choose from the links on the search results pages in order to get to a specific items' web page.
Two ways for quickly artist searching:
Click the beginning of the artist like as A, B,…Z on alphabet bar.
 enlightenedWhat is the condition M+, M-, EX, VG, or M?

*According to recording contents,we usually fill out information from jacket data.
However,some cases,the data can be not same as actual sound source.
Please make sense about it.

*As to condition of used items,please check out our each item's【source】contents.
All products on our web site,we write down discription if it have attached item.
Some attached items can be lacked due to second hand item.

We can't meet your cancelation and rerurn items after ordered.
If you have any question,Please make sure about our web site and contact us in advance.

M+ means brand-new products.
These items are not in our stock. We need to order to our suppliers after reciving your M+ order.So it will take few days to be available.
For English customers, we charge 10% up fee for M+ items. On our english site, the M+ items' prices are the 10% up prices, so you needn't pay more 10% commission of the M+ items. Please understand it.
M- means brand-new import products.
Some small damages which probably hard to be found, A few minor scratches, scuffs, flaws, creases, etc on the discs, box, face & back pictures, cases, booklet or others.
The damages of the discs do not affect the sound quality.
(no damaged brand-new import products' conditons are showed as M+)
EX means used products with excellent condition.
Some small damages which probably hard to be found, A few minor scratches, scuffs, flaws, creases, etc on the discs, box, face & back pictures, cases, booklet or others.
The damages of the discs do not affect the sound quality.
VG means used products with very good condition.
On the discs, VG shows the same level damages as EX products
On any other place of the item except on the discs, VG shows the similar damages with EX products, but more conspicuously.
M means sealed used products.
By rarely case, the discs will be ill-matched with your cd players, the more excellent player will be more ill-matched.
we do not accept any returns in that case.
We do not offer the discription of conditions in English, also we do not accept any requests.
enlightened How to order?
We accept orders from the people living outside of Japan only when their total purchase amout is above 5000 Japanese yen.
1. Find out what you are looking for.
2. Click the ADD TO BASCKET button of the item to put into your shopping cart.
3. Enter your email address and password, click the SIGN IN button to enter to the order page.
4. Click the CONTINUE SHOPPING button to continue your shopping until your purchase amount reach to be just or over  5000 JPY
When the total amount for one order is under 10,000 JPY, 200 JPY is added as packing fee.
5. If you would like to cancel the item which is on the cart, click the DELATE button to cancel.
6. Choose the payment method.
7. Click the CONFIRM YOUR ORDER button to enter  to the confirm page.
8. Click the CHECKOUT button to finish your order, a message window will jump out to ask if you are sure to checkout,click the OK button to checkout, click the BACK button to correct or continue your order.
*No discounts, cancellations, returns and exchanges. If you cancel order, our registration will be erased and you can not order anymore.
*We are only able to send to the resistered address of our membership.
The destination of shipments must be only to the registered address.
We do not send to another address even if you would like. And we do not accept orders that vendor ask us to send shipment to customers directly from us.
*We never give only jewel case.
*We accept your addtional order only once. You can place additional order only once before you receive an invoice email from us.
enlightenedAbout imported discs

How to buy  imported discs

1. Find out what you are looking for.
2. Click the Reserve button.

The method of order is almost same as usually order.
It takes three months or more to get commodities. Therefore, the order form is separated  usual orders between imported items.
Basically,imported items unable to combine with usual orders because it can be sold out or discontinued without notice.
We will inform you after arrived. If you place your usual order after get a notice of imported item arrival info, we can meet your request of bundle
Imported discs will be added points depend on your product's prices.
However,you can't use points  your ordering.
enlightenedAbout OVERBID aboutoverbid
Our overbid is a first-price sealed-bid auction, be opened once or twice a month, simultaneously with our Japanese site.
For every item, the single highest bidder will win it, If 2 or more of same highest bid price appeared, the earliest bidder will be the winner.  If only one bidder of an item, the contract price will be the start price of the item.
You can bid items in once or repetitiously several times during the auction period.
After the auction is closed, several hours will be taken to total up the bids, then the result will be announced on our website, during the total up peirod,  the overbid items can not be able to order.
 How to bid?
Click the OVERBID button to enter to the overbid page.
Inspect and find out the items you are interested in, click the BID button to enter the bid basket page.
1. Fill in your bid price in the blank by 100yen unit.
2. Confirm the bid price is above the start price.
3. Choose one payment method.
4. Click Submit button.
These 4 steps complete one bid on an item. The 3rd steps will be omitted from next purchase for it is registered when you check out. You can click the CONTINUE SHOPPING button to go ahead bidding by the same steps.  
5. Click the CONFIRM YOUR ORDER button to enter to the confirm page.
6. Click the CHECKOUT button to finish your order, a message window will jump out to ask if you are sure to checkout,click the OK button to checkout, and click the BACK button to correct your order.
*You can only bid through shopping cart. If you bid by email, it will be invalid. 
*We do not  accept cancellation of successful bid.
 How to see the result?
The awarded items will be showed “sold out”, the contract price shows the highest price in red color.
If 2 or more of same highest bid price appeared, the contract price shows the highest price in red color followed a * mark.
If only one bidder, the contract price will be the start price without color changed.
Once the auction result is announced on the website, the remained items are able to be ordered as usual with the start prices.
During the auction period, no 5000yen limit of whatever you bid. After the auction is closed, we will send you an e-mail to announce the result. If the total amount of auction is less than 5000yen, please place an additional order to make the total purchase amount above 5000yen through the shopping cart directly by the limit day. (the contracted items will be showed at the shopping cart upon the additional orders)
You can ask us to take off CDs from jewel cases for shipping. However We
take time to pack them, so we charge small fees for it.

1. [without jewel cases]
When you choose [without jewel cases] in shopping cart, we will make
your package like below.
 (You do not need to let us know about packing, we cannot accept any
personal requests even if you would like special method.)
*Paper jacket item/Vinyl/number stecker item  are not available to use this option.
2. [Additional Fee]
We will put additional fee when you ask us "Without Jewel cases".
+50 yen per a case(Vinyl item is +100yen per a case)

* For example..
If you would like to take off CDs and booktlets from 4 jewel cases,
4×50 yen = 200yen.

We will take off CDs and booklets from their cases, and put the CDs into non-woven fabric cd case per a CD. the booklets will be packed per their sizes.  
3. [LTD sticker with a case]
We will send any items with jewel cases when the item has LTD sticker with a case. When item has bonus disc, the bonus disc will be sent with a jewel case.
4. [DVD tall style cases, slip cases specification, sealed items]
We will send them with jewel cases.
enlightened How to pay?
Once your order is completed you will receive an automatic order confirmation email from our store. After we finish preparing your parcel, you will receive the verification email from us with details of your order, and the invoice including the final price, and after that, please complete the payment. (purchase amount + postage + (packing fee) + paypal/credit card commission).

Please finish the Paypal payment within 7days after you receive our invoice.
Please finish the Credit card payment within 3days after you receive our invoice.
You have to pay by Japanese yen.
You can place addtional orders before you receive an invoice from us,the pre-unpaid orders will be showed on the top of the shopping cart.
Please do not place addtional orders after receiving an invoice.The additional order after invoice must be a new order.
We appreciate your understanding.

Payment method: Paypal.
our paypal account:
You should pay:
Purchases amount
Paypal commission: 5% of the sum (purchases amount + postage)
You have to pay by Japanese yen.
Payment method: Credit card (VISA or MASTER).
After you receive our invoice, You will receive another email from credit card company in 5min that ZEUS with the title  “[ZEUS]Payment Procedure Details”.
please complete the payment by entering the payment URL.
if you do not know how to pay, please click the URL of [How to Proceed/Notes] which below the payment URL and read it first.
You should pay:
Purchases amount
Credit card commission: 5% of the sum (purchases amount + postage)
You have to pay by Japanese yen.
If your orders are all EX items, you will receive our reply including invoice soon except holidays. By rarely case, our response maybe delayed in 2-3 business days.
If any M+ items are included within your orders, it may need 3-5 business days to obtain the items and you will get our invoice a little bit later.
We appreciate your understanding.
enlightened Shipping:
All products will be shipped usually within 1-3 business days after we confirm your payment.
Only EMS and SMALL PACKET and FedEx
are recommended for international customers.
If you have any other commands of  shipment, please write a note whenever you place orders.
After shipping, we will send you an email with the tracking number for traceable.
 *We have packed parcels robustly because products are fragile.
 enlightenedSave and Use points
We offer a point service whenever you purchase at our store by ordering directly through our english site. 1point  can be saved per purchasing 100yen. The points can be used from next shopping as a discount, each 1 point is equal to 1 Japanese Yen. (* You can not use the points for overbid bidding.)
Points will be added to your point account after your orders are shipped.
The term of validity is for one year after the last acquisition date.
Please use point over 100points by 100points unit.
This service does not  apply to customers who order by e-mail.
enlightenedAbout disc problem and replace
There are compatibility with players and discs.
Please try to use more than 2  players.If this problem due is compatibility with drive,it will be happen same situation again.
We can send replacement disc if same situation after you try to listen with another player.
enlightenedE-zine(e-mail magazine)
Our e-mail magazine [e-zine] with latest information is basically sent every week for customers who purchased at our shop, If you wish to receive.
For subscribing, you can click “MY PAGE”on the top of the page to enter into the page [renew the information] - [MyPage Customers Information]  and check the button [subscribe] in the column of  [E-mail newsletter].
*Registration is for free
*If you would like to stop subscribing, please check [no subscribe].
*If you cancel your membership, the magazine will not be sent you.
There are some cases that the e-mail magazine will not be delivered due to anti-spam method of providers.
However we are not responsible for it and can not take measures for it. 
Please take measures by your self, Such as using a different address.
If  non-delivery email errors occur more than 3 times straight, we will delete your mail magazine registration without your permission.
*Before you order, please read this page carefully.
 enlightenedHow to contact with us:
E-mail address:
Fixed holiday: Please check our business calender
Shop hours: 10:00-14:00 (Japanese time)

第34回 浜松CD & レコード・ショウ 2025 参加店舗決定 !
FEB. Holiday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Customers voices
Top Quality! Superb …
About ordering and payment
Please check
Please check before inquiring
■Shipment ---------------------------------
We send your shipments by only EMS or SMALL PACKET or FedEx. We do not accept any other methods.
Shipping fees EMS SMALL PACKET FedEx 
When the total amount is under 10,000 JPY, we charge you 200 JPY as a packing fee.
When you order CD and vinyl at the same time, the shipping cost of FedEx would be more expensive.
Because the package would be bigger.
We can ship the package on the same-day when you make the payment by 13:00.

■Payment Method ---------------------------

Credit card (VISA, Master) ■Paypal
You should pat:
*Purchases amount
*Shipping or credit card commission: 5% of the sum
(purchases amount + postage)

■About the delivery address----------------
*We are sorry that we do not accept orders which vendorask us tosend article to customers directly from us.
We are only able to send to the resistered address of our membership.
However in some circumstances. we accept orders which general customer ask us to send article to unresistered address.
FedEx cannot be delivered to POBOX, so please give us your home address.
■Important information---------------------
●We accept your additional order only once.
 You can place additional order only once before you receive an invoice email from us.
●Regular SERVER maintenance.
 We do maintenance of the server at midnight in Japan time.
 You can not order during that time.(You can not access our website)
 Please acknowledge it.

■Our Business days-------------------------
(Kent Japan)
Fixed holiday: Saturday to Monday and National holidays
*Please check our business calender
Shop hours : 10:00 - 14:00 (JPN time)
Copyright © 2016 洋楽ロックの中古CD・DVD・コレクターズ専門店 音楽萬屋Kent, Japan. All rights reserved.